IMPORTANT TRANSPORTATION INFORMATION - For a list of temporary bus stops, please see our weather page.

Student Photograph Retake Eligibility Requirements
1.  If students did not get their photograph taken on the 1st picture day, they will report to the gym lobby when the all call is made for their grade level, to have their picture taken.

2.  Students who had their photograph taken on the 1st picture day can have their picture retaken if there is a problem with their original photograph that they are not satisfied with and they plan to purchase the new picture.  Students must bring a note from their parents indicating the problem with the original picture and that the parents wish to have the picture retaken because the retake will replace the original picture.

3.  If a student purchased pictures and are returning the original printed pictures.  Students can only have a new picture taken if they return the originally purchased pictures at the time of retakes.

4.  If a student has their picture retaken the new picture will replace the original picture.